Release notes

New functionality
Split expense
It is now possible to split an expense into two (or more) expenses. It is useful if you have made a purchase that should be booked on different categories or with separate dimensions (for example cost center or project), also receipt with multiple VAT rates can be separated with this functionality. You can activate the function in the Marketplace.
Duplicate detection
New and improved engine to find reused receipts entered by the users. In this release we have moved the logic from our clients to the backend, making the solution more robust and functional scalable. More features will be added in upcoming releases.
Danish mileages
Update of amounts applied for trips after 1 of May.
- Mileage - car/motorcycle: Up to 20,000 km/year - 3.70 DKK/km
- Mileage - car/motorcycle: Over 20,000 km/year - 2.17 DKK/km
Interface updates (Admin pages)
We continue with improvements to the user experience on our web pages.
- New dashboard with cool icons
- “My organization” has moved to Settings
- Approval has move to settings as well, have a look under “Expense policy”
- And last but not least, “Reminders” has also found a new home under Settings
Hotfix 2022-04-28
- Mail bulk test flag fix
- Invalid image attached when converting from html
Hotfix 2022-04-27
- Mailed in receipt classified as representation expense cannot be opened
- Azure OCR: Use timeout when connecting/reading for Azure ocr service
- Large organizations with many users takes forever to load the unverified cards tab
- Enable bulk sending of information emails to CA users (backend)
- Fix for hidden accounts and salary codes in Fortnox admin UI
Other improvements
- FEP-5295 There is no exclamation mark when no integrations are selected
- FEP-5318 Mailed in receipt classified as representation expense cannot be opened
- FEP-4911 Hide chart of accounts and salary codes in Fortnox
- FEP-5376 Condition for showing fuel benefit settings tab is wrong
- FEP-5079 Manually entering the norwegian date format won't let you save.
- FEP-3120 SIE you need to choose booking date despite you shouldn't
- FEP-5322 Hardcoded column headings for cost center import/export
- FEP-5194 Large organizations with many users takes forever to load the unverified cards tab